
* 本文属于《满庭说英语》中《简简的语法》系列,每一篇都用短短的篇章精讲英语语法中的各个要点和有意思的知识点。《满庭说英语》的特点都是用英语来理解英语为主,适度辅以少量中文解说,帮助英语学习者建立英语思维、深入了解英语的内涵。

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【编者按】不定式(infinitive)是英语中动词的一种特殊形态,我们一般的理解是:通过在动词原形前加上“to”,将其转换为具有名移动大流量卡词性特质的短语,但又保持了一些动词的特性,例如可以加副词修饰等。但其实不定式主要是指动词的形式“不限定”,也就是不做任何变型,即总是使用动词原形。英语中将不包含前面的“to”的不定式(动词原形)称为bare infinitive,直译可以译作“裸”不定式;而带有前置“to”的不定式则称为full infinitive,直译为“全”不定式。不定式最大的特征就是动词无论如何都保持原形,不会有任何变形。不带to的不定式最典型的例子就是在情态动词后,例如:We will go tomorrow. 这里的动词go不会有任何形变。



Two classes of verb-forms illustrate in a striking way the fact that the same word may belong to different parts of speech; for they really belong to two different parts of speech at one and the same time.


【单词】illustrate [il-uh-streyt, ih-luhs-treyt][ɪləstreɪt] vt. 说明;图解 vi. 举例说明

【单词】striking [ˈstraɪkɪŋ] adj.引人注目的; 异乎寻常的; 显著的

【单词】belong [bih-lawng, -long][bɪlɒŋ] vi. 应归入;属于

【单词】speech [speech][spiːtʃ] n. 演说;演讲;言语;语言能力

These are the infinitive (which is both verb and noun) and the parti移动大流量卡ciple (which is both verb and adjective).


【单词】infinitive [in-fin-i-tiv][ɪnfɪnətɪv] n. 不定式

【单词】verb [vurb][vɜːb] n. 动词

【单词】noun [noun][naʊn] n. 名词

【单词】participle [pahr-tuh-sip-uhl, -suh-puhl][pɑːtɪsɪpl] n. 分词

【单词】adjective [aj-ik-tiv][ædʒɪktɪv] n. 形容词

Examples of the infin移动大流量卡itive may be seen in the following sentences:


【单词】following 原型:follow [fol-oh][fɒləʊ] v. 跟随;追赶;紧接着

【单词】sentences 原型:sentence [sen-tns][sentəns] n. 句子

To struggle was useless.


【单词】struggle [struhg-uhl][strʌɡl] vi. 努力;奋斗;斗争;挣扎

【单词】useless [yoos-lis][juːsləs] adj. 无用的;无效的

To es移动大流量卡cape is impossible.


【单词】escape [ih-skeyp][ɪskeɪp] v. 逃跑;逃脱;逃避

【单词】impossible [im-pos-uh-buhl][ɪmpɒsəbl] adj. 不可能的;做不到的

To exercise regularly preserves the health.


【单词】exercise [ek-ser-sahyz][eksəsaɪz] vi. 锻炼

【单词】regularly [reg-yuh-ler-lee][reɡjələli] adv. 有规律地;定期地

【单词】preserves移动大流量卡 原型:preserve [pri-zurv][prɪzɜːv] v. 保护;保存;保持

To struggle is clearly a noun, for (1) it is the subject of the sentence, and (2) the noun effort or exertion might be put in the place of to struggle.

【译】to struggle显然是名词性的,因为(1)它是句子的主语,(2)可以用名词“effort”或“exertion”代替“to struggle”。

【单词】effort [ef-ert][efət] n移动大流量卡. 努力;努力的成果

【单词】exertion [ig-zur-shuhn][ɪɡzɜːʃn] n. 努力;发挥;运用

Similarly, the noun escape might be substituted for to escape; and, in the third sentence, regular exercise (a noun modified by an adjective) might be substituted for to exercise regularly.

【译】同样地,名词escape替换掉to escape;在第三句中,可以用regular exercise移动大流量卡(由形容词修饰的名词)来代替 to exercise regularly。

【单词】Similarly 原型:similarly 副词 [sim-uh-ler][sɪmələli] adv. 相似地;类似地

【单词】substituted 原型:substitute [suhb-sti-toot, -tyoot][sʌbstɪtjuːt]vt. 代替;用 … 代替;代以

【单词】regular [reg-yuh-ler][reɡjələ] adj. 有规律的;定期的;经常的;规则的

【单词】modified 原型:modify [mod-uh-fahy][mɒdɪfaɪ] v. 修改;更改;缓和;移动大流量卡修饰

【解析】escape可以做名词,而在不定式to escape中的escape则是动词,所以这里说escape可以代替to escape。

But these three forms (to struggle, to escape, and to exercise) are also verbs, for they express action, and one of them (to exercise) is modified by an adverb (regularly).

【译】但这三种形式(to struggle, to escape, 和to exercise)也是动词,因为它们表示移动大流量卡动作,其中一种(to exercise)由副词(regularly)修饰。

【单词】express [ik-spres][ɪkspres] vt. 表达;表示

【单词】adverb [ad-vurb][ædvɜːb] n. 副词 adj. 副词的

Such forms, therefore, are noun-forms of the verb.【译】因此,这些形式是动词的名词形式。

They are classed with verbs, and are called infinitives.


【单词】infinitives 名词复数形式 infinitives移动大流量卡 n. 不定式(infinitive的复数)

The infinitive is a verb-form which partakes of the nature of a noun.


【单词】partakes 原型:partake [pahr-teyk][pɑːteɪk] vi. 参与;分担;分享;颇有 vt. 参与

It is commonly preceded by the preposition to, which is called the sign of the infinitive.


【单词】c移动大流量卡ommonly [kom-uhn-lee][kɒmənli] adv. 一般地;通常地;普通地

【单词】preceded 原型:precede [pri-seed][prɪsiːd] vt. 在 … 之前;先于 vi. 在前面;领先

【单词】preposition [prep-uh-zish-uh n][ˌprepəzɪʃn] n. 介词

【单词】sign [sahyn][saɪn] n. 手势;招牌;符号

The infinitive without to is used in a great variety of verb-phrases.


【单移动大流量卡词】variety [vuh-rahy-i-tee][vəraɪəti] n. 多样;种类;多样化

I shall go.【译】例如:我要走了。

John will win.


【单词】win [win][wɪn] v. 赢;赢得;获胜;获得 n. 胜利

【专有名词】John 人名/人物 [jon][dʒɒn] n. 约翰(男子名)

Mary may recite.


【单词】recite [ri-sahyt][rɪsaɪt] vt. 背诵;朗诵;叙述;列举 vi. 背诵;回答问题

【专有名词】Mary [mair-ee][mɛəri] n. 玛丽(女子名)

Jack can移动大流量卡 swim.


【单词】swim [swim][swɪm] v. 游泳 n. 游泳

【专有名词】Jack [jak][dʒæk] n. 杰克(男子名)

Such phrases will be studied in connection with the inflection of verbs.


【短语】in connection with 与……有关;与……相连;例句:It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。

【单词】phrase移动大流量卡s 原型:phrase [freyz][freɪz] n. 短语;习语;措辞

【单词】connection [kuh-nek-shuhn][kənekʃn] n. 联系;关系

【单词】inflection [in-flek-shuh n][ɪnflekʃn] n. 变调;音调变化


That go, win, recite, and swim are infinitives may be seen by comparing the following sentences:—”I intend to go,” “John is sure to win,” “Mary is perm移动大流量卡itted to recite,” “Jack is able to swim.”

【译】上面的例句中go、win、recte和swim是不定式,通过比较以下句子可以看出:——“I intend to go (我打算去)”,“John is sure to win(约翰肯定会赢)”,“Mary is permitted to recite(玛丽可以背诵) ”,“Jack is able to swim(杰克会游泳)。”

【固定用法】be able to do sth. 能够,会(做);有能力(或办法、机会)做某事;例句:I am able to pick you up on the short w移动大流量卡ave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。

【用法】be sure to do sth. 表示“肯定会做某事”,有确信的意思。例如:Im sure that Tom lives here. 我确信汤姆住在这里。

【用法】tend to表示“朝某方向;趋向;偏重”,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。

【单词】comparing 原型:compare [kuh m-pair][kəmpeə] v. 比较;对比;比喻

【单词】intend [in-tend][ɪntend] vt. 想要;移动大流量卡打算;意指

【单词】permitted 原型:permit [per-mit][pəmɪt] v. 允许;许可

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