nestjs provider(【技术干货】在NestJS应用程序中使用 Unleash 实现功能切换的指南)


近年来,软件开发行业迅速发展,功能开关(Feature Toggle)成为了一种常见的开发实践。通过功能开关,可以在运行时动态地启用或禁用应用程序的特定功能,以提供更灵活的软件交付和配置管理。对于使用 NestJS 框架构建的应用程序而言,实现功能开关也是一项重要的任务。而 Unleash 是一个功能切换服务,它提供了一种简单且可扩展的方式来管理和控制应用程序的功能切换。因此本文小编将为大家介绍如何在 NestJS 应用程序中使用 Unleash 实现功能切换。下面是具体的操作步骤:

安装 NestJS

NestJS 的安装非常简单,在安装之前需要确保你的机器中已经安装了 Node,然后执行以联通大流量卡下命令即可在全局安装 NestJS。

PowerShell npm i -g @nestjs/cli nest new project-name (creates a new project with all scaffoldings and bolerplate code)


安装 Unleash 服务器

选择 unleash 服务器的 docker 基础安装,使用下面的 docker compose 文件来启动 Unleash 服务器。

PowerShell docker-compose up -d –build (run this command whereyou have dock联通大流量卡ercompose file)TOML This docker compose setup configures: – the Unleash server instance + the necessary backing Postgres database – the Unleash proxy# To learn more about all the parts of Unleash, visit # NOTE: please do not use this configuration forproduction set联通大流量卡ups. Unleash doesnot take responsibility for any data leaks or other problems that may arise as a result. # This is intended to be used for demo, development, and learning purposes only. version: “3.9” services: The Unleash server contains the Unleash configuration and communicates with server-side SDKs andthe U联通大流量卡nleash Proxy web: image: unleashorg/unleash-server:latest ports: – “4242:4242” environment: This points Unleash to its backing database (defined in the DATABASE_URL: “postgres://postgres:unleash@db/postgres” Disable SSL for database connections. @chriswk: why do we do this? DATABASE_SSL: “f联通大流量卡alse” Changing log levels: LOG_LEVEL: “warn” Proxy clients must use one of these keys to connect to the Proxy. To add more keys, separate them with a comma ( INIT_FRONTEND_API_TOKENS: “default:development.unleash-insecure-frontend-api-token” Initialize Unleash with a default set of client API tokens. Toinitialize Unl联通大流量卡eashwith multiple tokens, separate them with a comma ( INIT_CLIENT_API_TOKENS: “default:development.unleash-insecure-api-token” depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy command: [ “node”, “index.js” ] healthcheck: test: wget –no-verbose –tries=1 –spider http://localhost:4242/healt联通大流量卡h || exit 1 interval: 1s timeout: 1m retries: 5 start_period: 15s db: expose: – “5432” image: postgres:15 environment: create a database called POSTGRES_DB: “db” trust incoming connections blindly (DONT DO THIS IN PRODUCTION!) POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: “trust” healthcheck: 联通大流量卡 test: [ “CMD”, “pg_isready”, “–username=postgres”, “–host=”, “–port=5432” ] interval: 2s timeout: 1m retries: 5 start_period: 10s


现在已经有了代码库并启动并运行了 unleash 服务器,在开始其他任何事情之前,需要先安装一些依赖项。

P联通大流量卡owerShell yarn add unleash-client @nestjs/config

然后在项目的根目录中添加一个 .env 文件。

TOML APP_NAME=nestjs-experimental-feature-toggle API_KEY=<YOUR SERVER KEY> UNLEASH_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4242/api METRICS_INTERVAL=1 REFRESH_INTERVAL=1 SERVER_PORT=3000

从 app.module.ts 文件开始。这是初始化并注入到引联通大流量卡导文件 main.ts 的文件。


ConfigModule.forRoot() 将扫描根目录中的 .env 文件并将其加载到应用程序中。

TypeScript import { Module } from @nestjs/common; import { ConfigModule } from @nestjs/config; import { AppController } from ./controllers/app.controller; import { AppService } from ./services/app.service; @Module({ 联通大流量卡 imports: [ConfigModule.forRoot()], controllers: [AppController], providers: [AppService], })export class AppModule {}

main.ts 是引导文件

TypeScript import { NestFactory } from @nestjs/core; import { AppModule } from ./app.module; import * as process from process; async function bootstrap() { const app = awaitNestFa联通大流量卡ctory.create(AppModule);await app.listen(process.env.SERVER_PORT); } bootstrap();

现在构建名为 app.service.ts 的服务器层,如下所示。

TypeScript import { Injectable } from @nestjs/common; @Injectable() export class AppService { private response = {}; constructor() { this.response[XS] = 5; this.response[S] = 15; this.response[M]联通大流量卡 =25; this.response[L] = 38; this.response[XL] = 28; this.response[XXL] = 15; } dataAnalytics = (): any => { return this.response; }; }

创建控制器 app.controller.ts ,它由以下多个部分组成:

1. constructor 是注入类所需的依赖项。

2. init 是使用所需的配置初始化 Unleash 客户端库。

3. dataAnalytics 是检查切换开关状态,并根据该状态决定要做什么的方法。TypeScript import{ C联通大流量卡ontroller, Get, Logger } from@nestjs/common; import { AppService } from ../services/app.service; import { startUnleash, Unleash } from unleash-client; import { ConfigService } from @nestjs/config; @Controller(/api/v1) export class AppController { private unleash: Unleash; privatereadonly logger: Logger = new Logger(联通大流量卡;constructor( private readonly appService: AppService, private readonly configService: ConfigService, ) { this.init(); } private init = async (): Promise<void> => { this.unleash = await startUnleash({ url: this.configService.get<string(UNLEASH_API_ENDPOINT), appName: beta-api联通大流量卡, metricsInterval: parseInt(this.configService.get(METRICS_INTERVAL), 10), refreshInterval: parseInt(this.configService.get(REFRESH_INTERVAL), 10), customHeaders: { Authorization: this.configService.get<string(API_KEY), }, }); }; @Get(/analytics) dataAnalytics(): any { // Unlea联通大流量卡sh SDK has now fresh state from the unleash-api const isEnabled: boolean = this.unleash.isEnabled(beta-api); this.logger.log(`feature switch “beta-api” is ${isEnabled}`); if (isEnabled) { return this.appService.dataAnalytics(); } else { return { response: can not access this api as its in experimental mode,联通大流量卡 }; } } }

紧接着需要在 unleash 中创建一个功能切换,使用 url 访问 unleash 的 Web 控制台:http://localhost:4242

单击默认项目并创建一个新的切换并向切换添加策略,在例子中,小编选择了 Gradual rollout 策略。创建功能切换后,前往项目设置并创建项目访问令牌(创建服务器端访问令牌)。

Web 控制台显示如下:


PowerShell yarn start:dev

选择任何你最喜欢的 API 测试工具,比如 postman on insomnia 或其他任何东西,小编喜欢用insom联通大流量卡nia 来测试 API。现在可通过切换开关来测试 API,并查看 Application 的表现。



友情提醒: 请添加客服微信进行免费领取流量卡!
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